Tesla vs lovecraft review
Tesla vs lovecraft review

tesla vs lovecraft review

The most common of them are health packs, shields that give you invulnerability for a few seconds, and experience doublers. Supplies are another type of power-up you’ll encounter, and they are just consumables that do something once picked up. They typically have six charges by default, but there are ways to increase that number. There’s about a dozen of them in all, and they periodically spawn around the map just like any other power-up. Some examples include stationary Tesla Coil turrets, ethereal disks that ricochet off terrain, a pulse of eldritch fire, and a scattershot of lightning bolts. These are effectively sub weapons with limited charges, and they are much more varied than the standard weapons. Luckily, your weapons are supplemented with Abilities. The only two that can’t be described as a shotgun or automatic rifle are the revolver and ball lightning gun, and sadly those are very underwhelming compared to the rest of the choices available to you. The weapon types are also fairly limited, with four of those guns being some form of shotgun, and three of them being assault rifle-style automatics.

tesla vs lovecraft review

There’s only nine guns in the game, which is a fairly significant reduction from Crimsonland. The game’s arsenal ranges from period weapons like revolvers and Tommy Guns, to the wacky pseudoscience that you’d expect from a game about Tesla. You start each level with a pitifully underpowered pistol that you’ll want to ditch as soon as you can. Power-ups come in four types: Weapons, Abilities, Supplies, and Perks. Much like in most arcade-style shooters, power-ups will randomly drop as you play, and you can increase the frequency of them by killing large groups of enemies at once. Missions really don’t have any objective beyond surviving against hundreds of enemies and destroying Cthulhu statues whenever they appear. The game’s main campaign presents you with a map of Arkham that contains a little over 30 levels, each of which can be beaten in about two or three minutes, assuming you don’t die. How summoning ancient gods is any less dangerous than electricity is never fully explained, but ultimately what little exposition the game provides is merely an excuse to use lighting guns and death rays to wipe out hordes of freaky fish people and flying tumors with teeth. When Tesla fails to heed his warning, Lovecraft uses his arcane tomes to unleash eldritch horrors upon the city of Arkham, destroying Tesla’s lab and stealing some of his technology in the process. Lovecraft fears Tesla’s technology, and warns that it will upset the natural order. The game starts out with Lovecraft interrupting Tesla while he is showing off some of his electrical wonders to the general populace. The result is a game that may be a bit lacking in content compared to their previous titles, but makes up for it with more refined core mechanics. For their latest twin stick shooter, Tesla vs Lovecraft, 10tons has returned to the formula that made them moderately famous in the first place. Crimsonland in particular has built up quite the cult following since its initial release in 2003, and subsequent rerelease in 2014. Of these shooters, Neon Chrome and Crimsonland are easily the most well-known. The indie developer 10tons Ltd has created dozens of games over the years, but their twin stick shooters are what always gain the most attention.

Tesla vs lovecraft review